Shrivenham, United Kingdom

Operations Excellence

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Qualification: MSc
Kind of studies: part-time studies
Master of Science (MSc)
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Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is also used as a standard of performance as measured e.g. through economic indicators.
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation: we do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have these because we have acted rightly; 'these virtues are formed in man by his doing the actions'; we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit: 'the good of man is a working of the soul in the way of excellence in a complete life... for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy'.
Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy (1926), p. 76. The quoted phrases within the quotation are from the Nicomachean Ethics, Book II, 4; Book I, 7.
We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill.
Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, (1970).
How miserable is the condition of men when the better a thing is, the further it recedes from our sight and the less it is recognized.
Philip Melanchthon, "In Praise of Eloquence," as translated by C. Salazar, in Orations on Philosophy and Education (Cambridge University Press: 1999), p. 62
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