London, United Kingdom

Global Studies: a European Perspective

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Qualification: MA
Kind of studies: full-time studies
Master of Arts (MA)
University website:
European, or Europeans, may refer to:
Global means of or referring to a globe and may also refer to:
Global Studies
Global studies is the interdisciplinary study of political, economic, legal, ecological and cultural interconnectedness. Predominant subjects are politics, economics and law on an international level. Global studies is oriented around the study of globalization as it relates to intercontinental politics, the global economy, international law, market relations, the movement of people and resources, global communications, the effect of human activity on the environment, and many more topics. Global studies is often used to map global change and is both micro and macro in scope. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines global studies as "the study of political, economic, and social situations in the world".
Perspective may refer to:
The perspective on ourselves that we get when we take the point of view of the universe also yields as much objectivity as we need if we are to find a cause that is worthwhile in a way that is independent of our own desires. The most obvious such cause is the reduction of pain and suffering, wherever it is to be found.
Peter Singer, Writings on an Ethical Life (2000), p. 238
Advances in transportation, communication, and entertainment have transformed the world. The sword of science is double-edged. ... Its awesome power forces on all of us, including politicians, a new responsibility — more attention to the long-term consequences of technology, a global and transgenerational perspective, an incentive to avoid easy appeals to nationalism and chauvinism. Mistakes are becoming too expensive.
Carl Sagan, "Why We Need To Understand Science" in The Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 14, Issue 3 (Spring 1990)
So much of our human resourcefulness comes from having multiple ways to describe the same situations—so that each one of those different perspectives may help us to get around the deficiencies of the other ones.
Marvin Minsky (2006) The Emotion Machine
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