Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

International Finance and Investment

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: economy and administration
Qualification: MSc
Kind of studies: full-time studies
Master of Science (MSc)
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Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainties and risks. Finance can also be defined as the science of money management. Market participants aim to price assets based on their risk level, fundamental value, and their expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three sub-categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance.
International mostly means something (a company, language, or organization) involving more than a single country. The term international as a word means involvement of, interaction between or encompassing more than one nation, or generally beyond national boundaries. For example, international law, which is applied by more than one country and usually everywhere on Earth, and international language which is a language spoken by residents of more than one country.
International Finance
International finance (also referred to as international monetary economics or international macroeconomics) is the branch of financial economics broadly concerned with monetary and macroeconomic interrelations between two or more countries. International finance examines the dynamics of the global financial system, international monetary systems, balance of payments, exchange rates, foreign direct investment, and how these topics relate to international trade.
In general, to invest is to allocate money (or sometimes another resource, such as time) in the expectation of some benefit in the future – for example, investment in durable goods, in real estate by the service industry, in factories for manufacturing, in product development, and in research and development. However, this article focuses specifically on investment in financial assets.
The best scheme of finance is, to spend as little as possible; and the best tax is always the lightest.
Jean-Baptiste Say A Treatise On Political Economy (Fourth Edition) (1832) Book III, On Consumption, Chapter VIII, Section I, p. 449
What fools call “wasting time” is most often the best investment.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2010) The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorismsp. 24.
Investment of capital, to yield its fruit in the future, must be based on expectations, of opportunities in the future. When I put this to Hayek, he told me that this was indeed the direction in which he had been thinking. Hayek gave me a copy of a paper on 'intertemporal equilibrium', which he had written some years before his arrival in London; the conditions for a perfect foresight equilibrium were there set out in a very sophisticated manner.
John Hicks, Money, Interest and Wages (1982), p. 6.
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