Toulouse, France

Economics and Social Sciences

Sciences Economiques et Sociales

Language: FrenchStudies in French
Qualification: M2
duration: 2 years
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Economics () is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Living organisms including humans are social when they live collectively in interacting populations, whether they are aware of it, and whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
How is property given? By restraining liberty; that is, by taking it away so far as necessary for the purpose. How is your house made yours? By debarring every one else from the liberty of entering it without your leave.
Jeremy Bentham, "A Critical Examination of the Declaration of Rights; Article II" in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. II (1839), p. 503.
Economics is, in essence, the study of poverty.
Ronald Max Hartwell, The Long Debate on Poverty (1972), p. 3
Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man; Communism is the exact opposite.
Coluche, "Les syndicats et le délégué," Coluche : l'intégrale, vol. 3, "1989 chez Carrère".
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