Tübingen, Germany

Politics and Society of Eastern Asia

Politik und Gesellschaft Ostasiens

Language: GermanStudies in German
Subject area: social
Qualification: Master
Kind of studies: full-time studies
University website: www.uni-tuebingen.de
Asia ( ( listen)) is Earth's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. It shares the continental landmass of Eurasia with the continent of Europe and the continental landmass of Afro-Eurasia with both Europe and Africa. Asia covers an area of 44,579,000 square kilometres (17,212,000 sq mi), about 30% of Earth's total land area and 8.7% of the Earth's total surface area. The continent, which has long been home to the majority of the human population, was the site of many of the first civilizations. Asia is notable for not only its overall large size and population, but also dense and large settlements, as well as vast barely populated regions. Its 4.5 billion people constitute roughly 60% of the world's population.
Politics (from Greek: πολιτικά, translit. Politiká, meaning "affairs of the cities") is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group.
A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent of members. In the social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups.
La Société est l'union des hommes, et non pas les hommes.
Society is the union of men and not the men themselves.
In Europe, in Asia, in Africa and in America, the forces of darkness are at work and no society is spared ... transnational crime . . . undermines the very foundations of the international democratic order. [It] poisons the business climate, corrupts political leaders and undermines human rights.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, cited in Awake! magazine, 1995, 9/8, article: How Is Our World Today?
Have you ever seen a candidate talking to a rich person on television?
Art Buchwald,Quotations for our Time by Laurence J. Peter (1977).
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