Paris, France

Political Ideas in a Digital Age

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: social
Qualification: M2
University website:
Age or AGE may refer to:
Digital usually refers to something using digits, particularly binary digits.
Struggle and turmoil, revel and brawl—
Youth is the sign of them, one and all.
A smoldering hearth and a silent stage—
These are a type of the world of Age.
William Ernest Henley, Of Youth and Age, Envoy.
My days are in the yellow leaf;
The flowers and fruits of love are gone;
The worm, the canker, and the grief
Are mine alone!
Lord Byron, On this day I complete my Thirty-sixth Year.
The ages roll
Forward; and forward with them, draw my soul
Into time's infinite sea.
And to be glad, or sad, I care no more;
But to have done, and to have been, before I cease to do and be.
Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton), The Wanderer, Book IV, A Confession and Apology, Stanza 9.
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