Lampeter, United Kingdom

Modern Literature

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: humanities
Qualification: MA
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Literature, most generically, is any body of written works. More restrictively, literature writing is considered to be an art form, or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage.
Modern may refer to:
* * * A man of the world amongst men of letters, a man of letters amongst men of the world.
Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay, On Sir William Temple.
Literature is an avenue to glory, ever open for those ingenious men who are deprived of honours or of wealth.
Isaac D'Israeli, [The Literary Character, Illustrated by the History of Men of Genius (1795-1822), Chapter XXIV.
There is first the literature of knowledge, and secondly, the literature of power. The function of the first is—to teach; the function of the second is—to move, the first is a rudder, the second an oar or a sail. The first speaks to the mere discursive understanding; the second speaks ultimately, it may happen, to the higher understanding or reason, but always through affections of pleasure and sympathy.
Thomas De Quincey, Essays on the Poets, Alexander Pope.
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