Tübingen, Germany

Democracy and Governance in Europe

Demokratie und Regieren in Europa

Language: GermanStudies in German
Subject area: social
Qualification: Master
Kind of studies: full-time studies
University website: www.uni-tuebingen.de
Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία dēmokratía, literally "rule of the people"), in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as "rule of the majority". Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes depend on what participants do, but no single force controls what occurs and its outcomes.
Europe is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. It comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia.
Governance is all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, a market or a network, over a social system (family, tribe, formal or informal organization, a territory or across territories) and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society. It relates to "the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and institutions." In lay terms, it could be described as the political processes that exist in between formal institutions.
Contemporary Europe is a search for an exit from hell... Europe has always been a bloody place.
George Friedman, The Next Decade: Where We've Been ... And Where We're Going (2010), Doubleday, pp. 142–143
The USA will remain the only superpower. China is becoming an economic giant. Europe is being Islamicized.
Frits Bolkestein, address at the opening of courses at the University of Leiden (2004), as quoted in "Islamic Europe?" (4 October 2004), by Christopher Caldwell, The Weekly Standard
I would rather visit Latin America or the Middle East than Europe. The people – especially Arabs and Kurds – are more pleasant to be around.
Michael Totten, "51 Facts About Me" (26 June 2006), World Affairs Journal
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