Warsaw, Poland



Language: PolishStudies in Polish
Subject area: economy and administration
Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies
If you already got "past" the undergraduate studies and learnt the basic principles of economics, both in the micro- and in the macro-scale and you are interested in getting to know more advanced analytical tools to study economic phenomena - start graduate studies in Economics. You will develop analytical skills and you will be able to analyze economic information and economic, stock market and financial developments. You will also get familiar with economical indicators and analyses.

The study curriculum takes into account the current demand of employers, so you can be sure that you will develop the skills that will enable you to find your dream job. Even during your studies you will be able to put your knowledge to a practical test - the University provides you the opportunity to complete internships in leading companies. Studies are conducted in Polish, English and Polish/ English.

Specialization curricula in economics are tailored to the needs of the market, as they have been developed in close cooperation with the business partner. This way you can take advantage of the diverse range of internships in companies business partners of our university.
Economics () is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
In my youth it was said that what was too silly to be said may be sung. In modern economics it may be put into mathematics.
Ronald Coase, The firm, the market and the law (1988) Chapter 6. A remark on "The problem of social cost" (last sentence).
Economics is a subject that really relates to core aspects of human well-being, and there’s a methodology for thinking about these things. This was a very appealing combination to me. Market systems are capable of massive breakdowns that can result in long, devastating periods of high unemployment. And I felt that economists had really learned something about how to address that.
Janet Yellen, in "The Hand on the Lever" in The New Yorker (July 21, 2014) by Nicholas Lemann
The field of economics is not exempt from the consequences of chaos and complexity. Marketplaces are indeterminate; value is subjective; and outcomes are subject to interpretation. Economic forecasting is just as nebulous, being based on the probability of statistical information that may or may not be accurate.
L.K. Samuels, In Defense of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics, Economics and Human Action, Cobden Press (2013) p. 16.


Stokłosy 3 str.
02-787 Warszawa, Poland
Phone: +48 22 457 23 16
Fax: +48 22 457 23 03
Our strengths:
  • Our university is among the top 10 top private universities in Poland - 5th place in the 2014 ranking developed by Perspektywy and Rzeczpospolita
  • Vistula University is the most international university in Poland according to the ranking of universities prepared by "Perspektywy" and "Dziennik Gazety Prawna" 2014
  • AFiB Vistula is highly regarded in the business environment: it was awarded the "Best Partner in Business" title by the editors of Home&Market and the European Medal by Business Center Club for the best internship and internship program for students
  • The high level of the studies is confirmed by international accreditations: CEEMAN in the field of marketing, WACE - with regard to combining studies with internship programs, IAU - confirming the quality of teaching
  • Vistula is a well-established and the oldest brand among all private universities in Poland
  • You can choose among 15 fields of study, including 7 that are taught in English

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